"NEW DELHI: An angry journalist threw a shoe at India's top security official after a confrontational exchange during a news conference over the 1984 anti-Sikh riots that left thousands dead.
Before throwing the shoe, Singh asked Chidambaram several questions about the Central Bureau of Investigation's findings last week that cleared a senior Congress party leader, Jagdish Tytler, of involvement in the bloody riots that left 3,000 dead.
Chidambaram said CBI was an independent body and that the government played no role in the decision. He called for the public to be patient. Soon after, Singh told TV reporters that he regretted throwing the shoe but felt Chidamb-aram was dodging the question. "I just wanted to ask him how justice will be done, but he was not interested in answering the questions." "
Jarnail singh after throwing the shoe said "I don't think it (throwing shoe")was the right way but the issue(1984 riots) was right".
The whole incident if assessed again shows the confussion on part of National Parties like congress in giving ticket to criminals, whom althought the CBI(only agency which just investigates for zillion of years but never come up with the result & always been a toy in the hands of politicians) has cleared a convict but even internally congress knows whats been done & by whom. Its a moral question "how can you send a convict to public to seek their vote & posing another threat to them if he comes in power.
The whole incident shows the anger in an ordinary man who got angry to see the home minister, who did'nt seem interested in answering the question on a very sensitive issue, thats been haunting a whole community for the almost 25 years now. Even the home minister know how lethargic the CBI is in dealing with any case & such an agency is nothing but a huge cost to the tax payers of the country coz they could never been a independent agency & always been a weapon in hands of ruling government against their rivals.
Pls. Mr. chidambram & Ms. Sonia Gandhi, why can't you find a decent man out of a billion population to contest an election, that you have to give tickets to criminals & convicts who have been responsible for the killing of so many innocent. Shame on you guys.......... Friends let get together & SWEAR THAT WE WILL VOTE out such criminals. As Mr. Shiv Khera says " if we remain silent on seeing the injustice & atrocities being done on our neighbours, we are the next in the queue".
The whole incident if assessed again shows the confussion on part of National Parties like congress in giving ticket to criminals, whom althought the CBI(only agency which just investigates for zillion of years but never come up with the result & always been a toy in the hands of politicians) has cleared a convict but even internally congress knows whats been done & by whom. Its a moral question "how can you send a convict to public to seek their vote & posing another threat to them if he comes in power.
The whole incident shows the anger in an ordinary man who got angry to see the home minister, who did'nt seem interested in answering the question on a very sensitive issue, thats been haunting a whole community for the almost 25 years now. Even the home minister know how lethargic the CBI is in dealing with any case & such an agency is nothing but a huge cost to the tax payers of the country coz they could never been a independent agency & always been a weapon in hands of ruling government against their rivals.
Pls. Mr. chidambram & Ms. Sonia Gandhi, why can't you find a decent man out of a billion population to contest an election, that you have to give tickets to criminals & convicts who have been responsible for the killing of so many innocent. Shame on you guys.......... Friends let get together & SWEAR THAT WE WILL VOTE out such criminals. As Mr. Shiv Khera says " if we remain silent on seeing the injustice & atrocities being done on our neighbours, we are the next in the queue".
“India’s fate in the hands of Uneducated-Indian-Ministers
ReplyDeleteIt has been a queer enigma that forces me to think about it each time when I have some time to think of my India and Indians, it is not only me, but every educated Indian who has thought about it, felt strongly about it.
Educated Indians fate in the hands of Uneducated-Indian-Ministers? Now this lost its significance in works which are never highlighted its in the media and fail to grab public attention.
The crux is that, we as "educated" individuals have got all the time to crib about situations, but have rarely found ways to change them.
I tend to remember a very intriguing line somewhere a long time back. It said that "All men desire peace, but very few desire those things that really bring peace". So true as it is, I find of my Indians in a situation which is very similar state right now- “The question "Why Politics and Education always seem to be running a race in completely opposite directions in India?"
Why the hell do we, again quote, "educated" individuals, always run away from politics? We always want the government to behave the way we want it to, but if we just introspect a bit, what have we at all done to make sure that the governments at-least hear what we need and want out of them. Do we really expect them to come to our doorsteps and ask things? I know they make promises which they never fulfill, but how many times have we punished them for not doing so?
Are we so helpless that we cant do anything? Or is it just our lethargy that has created so much of inertia that we fail to move a bit - even when the cities are taken hostage and the girls are raped under open sun? Are we all really waiting for things to happen to us before we realize that it is our onus to take action and set things right.
Why are the educated individuals so averse of even touching politics and taking the reins in our own hands? Most of the times you question an "educated" citizen about his involvement in politics, you would perhaps hear, "Main seedha saadha aadmi hoon, politics ke khel mein mera kya kaam?" ... Yeah?... So true, I know damn too much to enter politics, it is meant for criminals and illiterates. It really pinches all of us when we compare the backgrounds of our politicans with those of America like “Mr. Obama”. Our politicians have histories of crimes, and an education they cant even prove they have from the universities which are same like them.
And at the same time, countries are being run by law scholars from Harvard and Rhodes scholars - the real intellectual lot. And then we crib of all the problems. Shame on us, shame on India's educated youth, who knows only rights, not duties; who knows only how to demand, not give.
Let's rise together, let's pledge to be a part of the system - take your first step, Begin Voting to educated minister or in case or not right person in election stop to cast your valuable vote and let government to understand the power of your vote..!!